A reminder of a bouquet of sweet-smelling flowers, this rich, exotic, and healing blend of green tea infused with rose petals provides a gentle break for the day and a treat to the senses. A charming, elegant, and sophisticated cup that is appealing to the eye with a myriad of health benefits.
HEALTH BENEFITS: High in antioxidants, great for digestion, provides calming, infection-fighting, immunity-boosting, and cleansing properties. Regular intake of rose tea is beneficial for skin and hair, reduces bloating, and helps in weight loss, sore throat, and stress-reducing.
INGREDIENTS: Indian Green Tea, Rose petals & buds
Aroma: Floral aroma of rose with the earthiness of green tea to uplift and delight
Brew: Bright yellow and smooth
Taste: Pleasant, floral, with a refreshing and rejuvenating aftertaste