Discover aromatic notes of hibiscus in this exquisite floral blend to uplift your senses. Earl Grey tea with fragrant and tarty hibiscus and sweet rose petals is a healthy beverage and a delightful tea, refreshing, sweet, and tangy.
Excellent refresher, sweet and floral
HEALTH BENEFITS: Supports the cardiovascular system, improves blood circulation, helps skin’s healthy glow, acts as a cooling agent, boosts immunity, and improves digestive issues. Its anti-inflammatory properties, make it a good tonic for the liver.
INGREDIENTS: Black Tea, Hibiscus, Rose petals & bergamot oil
Aroma: Citrusy, fragrant, delicate, floral, sweet aroma
Brew: amber-colored velvety liquor, robust, bright
Taste: Tart, citrusy, tangy, hint of sweetness
Put 3 grams in a kettle, add freshly boiled water about 100-150ml to the pot, allow to brew for 2 minutes, strain, and keep aside the liquor. Add 100-150ml of the brew to the serving glass, top it with ice cubes, sugar syrup to taste, garnish with lemon and mint leaves and serve.