Earl Grey – Divyntea - Best Tea brand in India
Earl Grey
Earl Grey
  • गैलरी व्यूवर में इमेज लोड करें, Earl Grey
  • गैलरी व्यूवर में इमेज लोड करें, Earl Grey

Earl Grey

सामान्य कीमत
Rs. 540.00
सेल की कीमत
Rs. 540.00
सामान्य कीमत
Rs. 900.00
बिक गया
यूनिट मूल्य
चेकआउट के दौरान शिपिंग की गणना की गई

Earl Grey tea (named after British Prime Minister Earl Charles Gray) is a British favorite since the 1830’s-enjoyed during the traditional high tea or afternoon tea. A floral twist on a traditional Earl Grey, our Assam Black tea combined with delicate & fragrant rose petals and the citrusy notes of bergamot oil. Great on its own or enjoy with just a dash of milk or cream.

HEALTH BENEFITS: This tea helps in relieving stress, combating pigmentation & minimizing wrinkles, immunity building, promoting relaxation, soothing sore throats, increasing metabolism & promoting weight loss, dental health, increasing digestion & protecting the heart from cholesterol, etc.

INGREDIENTS: Black Tea & bergamot oil

Aroma: Citrusy, with a hint of flowers

Brew: Malty

Taste: Sharp, soothing, citrusy taste with a hint of sweetness of roses